Original Release: Sega, 1987, Arcade
Sega partnered with Vic Tokai to dabble in the pixel flesh trades in the mid-80s, the same year that they released After Burner, Shinobi and Super Hang-On.
Block Gal (Arcade, Sega, 1987)
Where to Buy: ebay
How to Emulate: Arcade Emulation Page
Review by: Master-B
Even the mighty Sega could not resist the siren song of striptease arcade games in the ’80s, giving the world Block Gal in 1987 (and then trying to pretend it never happened).
As one would expect from Sega in the late ’80s, Block Gal is among the more polished and ambitious games of its category. Instead of yet another stupid Qix clone, Sega actually made a fairly competent clone of Arkanoid complete with paddle controls. You’re also playing for original anime art instead of pirated porn magazine scans.
Sega really makes you work for your nudies in this one, though. While most of these striptease games break you off a naked pic after every level, Sega makes you win through five or six fairly challenging levels to uncover each picture.
One tip for MAME: the typical gamepad will be sensitive to play this with the default controller settings, you’ll have better luck with the keyboard arrow keys but even those are overly sensitive too. You’ll have to play around with the simulated trackball sensitivity settings to get it to a really enjoyable level.