Original Release: Universal Gamex, 1983, Atari 2600
Quite possibly the first graphical simulated sex in a video game, with a simplistic maze chase and platformer required to get to it.
X-Man (Atari 2600, Universal Gamex, 1983)
Where to Buy: eBay
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: Master-B

X-Man is technically a maze-chase, but with a weird structure (and I’m not even referring to the porn). Each “maze” is really a linear path with occasional little cubbyholes to duck into. One enemy is dropped in, a sharp item of implied “dismember-ment” sharp like scissors or chattering teeth. You’ll meet with them eventually due to the linear path – the only thing to do about this is sit in a cubbyhole and hope they pass you by. There’s like a 50/50 shot of them either deciding to come get you or wandering past and giving you a clear shot to the exit (the enemy seems to have no idea where you are and will usually just barrel toward where you started the level if it passes you).
It’s not the gameplay that brought the boys to the yard, however, but the fact that this might have been the first interactive graphical simulation of sex in a game. As you can probably see from the screenshot, it ain’t no Milo Manara (or even an R. Crumb). And you’re basically just rewarded for doing it “rabbit style” by tapping left-right as fast as possible to raise the blocky woman’s lust meter
until it overflows.
Anyway, there are a few levels with a few positions to cycle through as a reward, but that’s about all there is to it.
