Original Release: Indies Soft, 1990, NES
A series of five strip-off games released for the Famicom Disk in rapid succession in 1990, each features one particular girl but has varying gameplay (either a space sh’mup or some kind of card game)
Comic Sakka Series Tournament Senki (Famicom, Indies Soft, 1990)
Where to Buy: ebay
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: Master-B
Comic Sakka is an oddball series of five adult games with either basic sh’mup or gambling gameplay, depending on which one you fire up. You got three samey little shooters, a draw poker game, and then a video poker with some unusual rules. All of this to the ends of getting an animu girl naked by the end of this song.
1 – The first title is an awful shooter, the ship you pilot is a fatty boombalatty with an even bigger hit box than the sprite for some reason. You navigate short but dense levels, culminating in a fight with a spaz seahorse who fires obnoxious unpredictable clusters of projectiles. You just repeat the same thing over and over but the enemies get faster and approach with more aggressive arcs. The girl devil you’re stripping off in this one looks kinda like Feliss from the Rance series. The game is so low effort I’m surprised they actually put some work into the girl’s art.
2 – Another very similar awful shooter, taking place in a reject level from Metroid or Life Force, the boss is some weird Duck Dragon or something that flies a figure 8 pattern. In this one your quest is to strip off a mermaid hanging out in classroom who eventually poasts feet.
3 – Your objective this time – lady of the horny dragon, she has the biggest tiddies of the bunch. Yet another shooter, this time taking place in Cyber Shit Zone, you ultimately fight Space Toader who initially seems like the hardest boss as he charges aggressively at you, but it turns out he’s the easiest as he’s predictable and his projectile clusters suck.
4 – Our girlie this time is some Valis character that got lost and wound up in a lewd place. As far as gameplay, we finally get away from the shit shooters and into draw poker out of nowhere. It’s at very low limits though, so I couldn’t even be bothered to grind away for the first nudie pic. Sorry.
5 – Our final challenge is some fantasy warrior cat girl. This one is a full-fledged game of video poker. But it features the oddity of letting you bet AFTER drawing your initial cards, so it’s very easy to win. You also always get the option of a double or nothing hi-lo game after you win a hand. The only unfavorable thing here is that its not JOB, it’s basically Deuces Wild rules but the deuces aren’t wild. It’s still easy with being able to see your hand before the bet, and trivial to get the warrior catgirl naked repeatedly.
Anyway, none of these games are good nor is the pixel nudity particularly compelling, the most interesting bit of all this is that the packaging actually has some pretty good art.
Original packaging (links at bottom of page to scroll through the series)