Original Release: Hot-B, 1993, Arcade
The illustrious Play Girls sequel switches from being Arkanoidy to Galaga/Galaxian-y
Play Girls 2 (Arcade, Hot-B, 1993)
Where to Buy: eBay
How to Emulate: Arcade Emulation Guide
Review by: Master-B

Hot-B switches up the formula with Play Girls 2, from an Arkanoid knockoff to a sort of Galaga type thing. Still no nudes though.

You also now pick from three characters at the outset of each new game (can’t switch when continuing). Don’t pick the old guy, the small power boost he gets does not at all offset his extremely slow rate of fire.

The girls are also now in some dire troubles now, instead of just lounging in a soda bath or whatever, they’re under assault by hellish conflagrations and Grope Zombies and what have you. But do you get any thanks beyond Sears catalog undie shots for rescuing them? No you do not.

Anyway, it’s an OK little reflex tester on its own merits but definitely more of a quarter-sucker than the prior game. It gets a little “bullet hell” as it goes, and it’s tough to not get clipped with your big player sprite.
