Original Release: Soft Art, 1993, Arcade
I think this is the backstory to that French movie
Disco Boy (Arcade, Soft Art, 1993)
Where to Buy: eBay
How to Emulate: Arcade Emulation Guide
Review by: Master-B

You can say one thing for Disco Boy, it’s definitely unique, to the point it’s kinda hard to describe. The title screen that sees you jamming with demons and an erect monkey gives way to a strange sort of vertical one-screen shooter that takes place on a wobbling balance beam. You can’t really move left and right at will so much as slide jankily around, and the beam will continue to rise as you fire unless you hold down to depress it.

The long and short of this is, it’s a really difficult game. Seemingly intentionally so to suck down those quarters. In each level you just kinda survive for a while until the screen breaks up into a grid of icons, pick all of these up to gradually reveal the naked picture underneath. That doesn’t end your quest, however, a boss monster also spawns that bounces around and takes a ton of shots to kill.

You go through two of these levels, then face a boss (another creature similar to the mini-bosses in the regular levels, but a little larger and a lot more resilient). The only prurient rewards you get out of this whole process are the low-res nudes uncovered in the regular levels, which look like they were stolen from a random assortment of magazines (and the occasional 1950s or 60s pinup).

Sloppy, cheap and frustrating, this one is best left ignored.
