Original Release: BSX International, 1989, PC
An obscure freeware/shareware title that has you combing mazes for willing ladies before your raging lust kills you
Madame Ching’s Dungeon of Ecstasy (PC, BSX International, 1989)
Where to Buy: Freeware – download at Internet Archive
How to Emulate: MS-DOS Emulation Guide

This is technically a freeware title (a mailed $5 was innocently requested if you enjoyed it), and at first blush looks kinda like a roguelike … it might actually be some fun if it had randomly generated levels, but the maze seems to be the same every time.
So the setup is Li’l Nakedman is dropped into the Madame’s dungeon for displeasing her or something. It’s kinda like the movie Crank, but you have to have sex every couple of minutes or you’ll die of hormone overload. Fortunately there are hot and ready hookers scattered about, but you’ll have to find packs of condoms first before they agree to do the deed. The ultimate goal is to pick up keys that unlock various doors that allow you to press on.

This would also be more enjoyable if I could actually figure out what the “screw” button is supposed to be, I squinted at it forever and am still clueless. CHG? CW9? The game’s included .txt help file doesn’t bother to tell you, nor does the in-game help screen.
That’s all I can muster for this one so I’ll leave you with this stirring speech also found in the game’s documentation: “OK lookit: I know that MCDOE! is an awful thing. It demeans women. It demeans men. It crassly exploits the beauty of the sexual act, and has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. SO WHAT? I don’t care. Neither should you. I’m an American, and this is a FREE COUNTRY. If people like ‘Dred’ Scott Tyler are free to abase the flag, if Klansmen are allowed to march down Main Street, and if the Reverend Al Sharpton is permitted to keep that hairdo, then DAMMIT, I should be allowed to write a program like this!” ∠(^ー^)