Original Release: KooooNSoft, 2012, PC
First angel, then ninja, now a witch subjected to the hellish conveyor belt of frisky monsters
Witch Girl (PC, KooNSoft, 2012)
Where to Buy: DLSite
How to Emulate: Flash Emulation Guide
Review by: Master-B

We’ve previously looked at The Kooon’s “Angel Girl” and “Shinobi Girl” here, I believe Witch Girl is the direct follow-up to those two games. But even though it’s a later entry in this series, it feels like a regression in some ways: the gameplay seems more like it’s just about Skate Or Die-ing past enemies, and it doesn’t have the “gallery mode” type stuff for the true perv connoisseurs out there.

It’s the same basic formula as the prior games, busty and inappropriately dressed girlie traverses levels full of peril, this time while riding her little broomstick. You have to keep pressing forward to avoid a slowly encroaching wall of tentacles creeping up from behind, and your best move is to slip over or under the frisky monsters as the situation requires. However, that’s often easier said than done. They might come bounding or wave-flying at you, some of them sneak up a cheeky tentacle and grab you when you think you’re safely over them, and some are just too big to get by without battle.

There’s much more emphasis on dodging than fighting as your weapon options are limited and lackluster. You can throw a fireball, but it not only takes multiple of these to kill the initial weakest enemies but also costs you a little of your health. You also have a “spirit blast” that will wipe out one enemy, but you only get three of these per level.

So not only does the action feel a little more frustrating and unrefined than older entries, you also don’t get the full-screen animation stuff the true dirtbags are here for, at least outside of a “game over” screen for each level that features some manner of tentacles. The in-game graphics are improved a little in terms of detail, but the game overall still definitely has that “Flash look” to it. This one does have the talents of a Japanese voice actress who provides your moanings and complainings and such during the action, probably the biggest single addition. But it’s less fun to play, and the older ones really weren’t all that fun to play to begin with … it’s also sitting at a $14 asking price on DLSite right now which seems a little oof for how old it is and what its limitations are.
“Corruption” mod (fanmade)