Original Release: Jamus Tiberian, 2003, Flash One of the most well-regarded Newgrounds games of all time, Ronin teases you with tittyninjas but surprises you with quality design and gameplay once you’re in the door Ronin: Spirit of the Sword (Flash, Jamus Tiberian, 2003) Where to Buy: Play for free at Newgrounds (age-gated login required) How…
Author: admin
Original Release: QuestForGlory@hotmail.com, 2001, PC Fun and ambitious fan-made Quest for Glory / Sierra / cultural parody that pretty much went unknown in its day but had its carcass dredged up in recent years when Woke Moralizing started to = clicks Quest For Glory 4.5 (PC, ?, 2001) Where to Buy: Freeware, download at Adventure…
Original Release: Coresoft, 1995, PC Janky, juvenile FPS that is at least interestingly trippy if nothing else Immoral Cumbat (PC, Coresoft, 1995) Where to Buy: Abandonware/freeware, download at MyAbandonware How to Emulate: MS-DOS Emulation Guide You release a game called “Immoral Cumbat” and it’s not a fighting game? I demand my $0 back. Indeed, Immoral…
Original Release: Rudeplay, 20??, Flash Tetris w/ nekkid lady Topless Titris (Flash, Rudeplay, 20??) Where to Buy: Abandonware, download at SWFChan How to Emulate: Flash Emulation Guide You get exactly what’s on the tin with Topless Titris, you play some Titris for awhile, eventually you get some Topless for your trouble. Unfortunately, there only seems…
Original Release: Sexxy Software, 1993, PC A Pipe Dreams knockoff with odd rules, but in keeping with Sexxy Software’s design style of hammering their animated GIF collection into odd places Pornpipe (PC, Sexxy Software, 1993) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: MS-DOS Emulation Guide Pornpipe sends you straight into the action when you fire…
Original Release: Hot-B, 1993, Arcade The illustrious Play Girls sequel switches from being Arkanoidy to Galaga/Galaxian-y Play Girls 2 (Arcade, Hot-B, 1993) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: Arcade Emulation Guide Hot-B switches up the formula with Play Girls 2, from an Arkanoid knockoff to a sort of Galaga type thing. Still no nudes…
Original Release: Hot-B, 1992, Arcade You get a decent Breakout/Arkanoid clone in terms of gameplay and aesthetic polish, but you get no nudie pics (unless you do a little messing around with the ROMs in an emulator) Play Girls (Arcade, Hot-B, 1992) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: Arcade Emulation Guide Play Girls is…
Original Release: AIDS Help Austria, 2004, Flash Produced by an AIDS assistance organization in Austria, Pleasure Island was an attempt to promote condom use via a kinda janky platformer that ends in softcore scenes (if you’ve got the skills!) Pleasure Island (Flash, AIDS Help Austria, 2004) Where to Buy: No longer available (download at SWFChan)…
Original Release: Birdy Soft, 1990, PC-88 A strange physics action-puzzler that sees you racing to protect a young animu lady’s purity from horny aliens Hole Chaser (PC-88, Birdy Soft, 1990) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: coming soon! Hole Chaser is untranslated other than the opening menus, so my best guess at the story…
Original Release: HSC, 2002, Flash Fellas, do you like heavily spray-tanned Japanese glittery Hello Kitty/raccoon girls? … no? Well, if you like old-school dating sims like True Love you might like it anyway Ganguro Girl (Flash, HSC, 2002) Where to Buy: Freeware (play online at Newgrounds) How to Emulate: Flash Emulation Guide “Ganguro girls” were…