Original Release: Super Pig, 1988, NES Much like contemporary Hot Slots, hit the reels for 8-bit nudies to accompany your winnings Bishoujo Sexy Slot (Famicom, Super Pig, 1988) Where to Buy: ebayHow to Emulate: coming soon! More Bishoujocrap for the Famicom Disk, this one is doubly unnecessary as Hot Slots was also available for the…
Author: admin
Original Release: Super Pig, 1989, NES Slave away at sliding tile puzzles for 8-bit nudes Bishoujo Sexy Puzzle (Famicom, Super Pig, 1989) Where to Buy: ebayHow to Emulate: coming soon! Sorry for the half-rate review here but I’m sick to death of these crappy little “Bishojuo” games for the Famicom Disk, and anyway there isn’t…
Original Release: Super Pig, 1988, NES A confusing horse racing game w/ nekkid ladies Bishoujo Sexy Derby (Famicom, Super Pig, 1988) Where to Buy: ebayHow to Emulate: coming soon! Unlicensed developers were just bound and determined to make every genre of game into a strip-off competition of some sort, here we have Super Pig taking…
Original Release: Hacker International, 1989, MSXOther Releases: Famicom Disk (1990) An extremely shitty sh’mup that tries to entice you with anime nudes Bishoujo Control (Famicom Disk, Hacker International, 1990) Where to Buy: ebayHow to Emulate: coming soon! You could make a strong case that this is the worst sh’mup ever made. The action is scrunched…
Original Release: Hacker International, 1990, NES Step into a horrifying alien dimension to play video poker for your life … if you wanna swear off casinos this might be your game Bishoujo Alien (Famicom Disk, Hacker International, 1990) Where to Buy: ebayHow to Emulate: coming soon! This is easily the weirdest f’n game of video…
Original Release: Superpig, 1988, Famicom Disk System Possibly the first 3D Breakout/Arkanoid derivative, it also just so happened to include naked anime girls. Aki to Tsukasa no Fushigi no Kabe (Famicom, 1988, Superpig) Where to Buy: ebayHow to Emulate: coming soon! If this game is remembered for anything it’s simply for being an unlicensed nudie…
Original Release: Comad, 1995, Arcade You’ve seen peep show Qix, shooters, even volleyball … are you ready for strip show pinball? Hot Pinball (Arcade, Comad, 1995) Where to Buy: ebay, Arcade-Museum How to Emulate: coming soon! Creative arcade smut peddler Comad tries their hand at a strip-off pinball title with Hot Pinball, and while the…
Original Release: Playmark, 1995, Arcade A “falling blocks” title with the unique spin of dragging the blocks around rather than steering them into place … also gratuitous nekkid ladies on one side of the screen Big Twin (Arcade, Playmark, 1995) Where to Buy: ebay How to Emulate: coming soon! An interesting variant on the Puyo…
Original Release: Sexxy Software, 1991, PC A simplistic but reasonably well-executed (for 1991) adult “virtual board game” that throws in some gratuitous hardcore GIF loops Sexxcapades (PC, Sexxy Software, 1991) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: MS-DOS Emulation Guide This goofy little digital board game is basically Truth Or Dare meets Monopoly. You’ll need…
Original Release: AliceSoft, 2006, PCOther Releases: PC (2019) Sengoku Rance returns to the turn-based strategy style of Kichikuou Rance, this time zooming in to take place in the glorious land of JAPAN Sengoku Rance (PC, MangaGamer, 2019) Where to Buy: MangaGamer I first got into the Rance series by way of my enthusiasm for Suikoden,…